round-ta·ble [round-tey-buhl] –adjective
noting or pertaining to a conference, discussion, or deliberation in which each participant has equal status, equal time to present views, etc.: round-table discussions.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

The Belated Finale Commentary

*sighs* Oh---kaaay...

There are a few thoughts going through my mind, right now... and they are all jumbled up in there. I hope that I can make some some sense of it all, and write it up without alienating anyone.

First off, this wild ride is over (for now.) The inaugural season of "LG15: The Resistance" has been capped off and saved for posterity. Season two awaits, but how long of a wait will there be? Fortunately, the Creators have blessed us with a gift of sorts. "The Show is Now Yours". To me, it still sounds pretty intimidating, but then again I'm really quite plain when it comes to video filming and editing. The zenith of my expertise in video is stuck at simple vlogging, which I still do not do very much of because of a lack confidence in my looks. My creative writing capabilities remain at question, as well, since I can never stick onto a single story without getting distracted by another. I have had several concepts in mind, but none without any real meat or conclusion to any of them.

Back to the 12-in-12: It seemed to be a huge success this time. Congratulations all around to the Goodfried duo, and all who participated in this endeavor. One of two questions now loom regarding the series, particularly about characters. Those two characters of course being Sarah and Daniel.

The big "rage" on the chat and forums (and I use that term quite loosely since both entities seem to be almost literal ghost towns, recently) are: The return of the DanielBeast, and Sarah's complete and utter betrayal.
Regarding Daniel, simply put, it's basically been either a "love-fest", or a welcome back "party". Don't get me wrong, the last scene of the finale did have Daniel opening the door to a worried Reed (who had earlier been refererred to as DB 2.0 by the Beast, himself) as he (Reed) had been sent by Maggie in a move that I believe was quite a genius counter when Mags realized everything was in jeopardy.
The meeting of DB and DB 2.0 at the end of the finale sets up an excellent cliffhanger for the beginning of season two, and guarantees that Daniel will be in at least the promos, if not the first episode. I would love to say that Daniel really is back, but when in that video did he say that he would help Reed? Truth be told, I think he would, but only to save Jonas. After that, what then? Jonas might try to get DB to stay, of course, but will he? The only thing that might make Daniel stay is his friendship with Jonas... or putting Sarah down...

Which leads to Sarah's betrayal... I guess people really can't change. We all know she'd been down that path before. Now we know that she had never been on the same path as Jonas, at all; that she were just riding his coat-tails this whole season. What I don't understand is why, when we were being given this information, straight from Daniel (somewhat playing as the voice of the Creators,) that it strikes up heated debates amongst the forums and lg15 chat? It had just been proven that Sarah was with the Order all along. The proof was given to us by the Creators, yet there were still those who felt the need to debate that? Or were they debating on just how evil she really is? That must've been it...

Luckily, everything has calmed down now, and the holiday spirit has continued to befall upon those of us still in the forums or on chat. Feel free to join us, even if just to send your holiday greetings!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

LG15 ramblings Nov 21 - Dec 2

To all the readers of "Round Table" I am sorry that I haven't been updating as frequently as I really should. But as such, I believe that many of us are within the 'holiday season' so I would like to wish everyone a Happy Holidays.

On the horizon is the LG15: The Resistance Season Finale. Dubbed the "Day of Atonement", December 12th, 2008 will be the day 12 episodes will air within 12 hours. There's a lotta "12"s there... Most unfortunately, I will most likely be at work during the entire event

Now... onto business...

The crew has gone back to LA upon notice that Life'sBlood Labs had acquired the Cure and had it somewhere in LA (if not at the Labs.) I am not completely sure how everyone got back to LA, or even the order in which they arrived. I was under the impression that Sarah was separated from the rest of the group and she was the one who obtained the clue that revealed that LBL had the Cure.

Ordinarily I would have thought that she would have gotten to LA before everyone else, but when we next hear from anyone, both Sarah and Reed have made it to LA, with Jonas and Maggie are still on the move; from where is unknown. How did Sarah and Reed get to LA so far ahead of Jonas and Maggie?

Reed takes the chance to live it up in LA seeing as how this is his first time in the city of angels, and Sarah gets a not-so-secret email from Jonas. Minor rumors begin to circulate as to what the email was about. Jonas posts a heart-felt message to the viewers. Maggie interrupts and good ol' Jonas makes one of his famous promises.

When we next hear from anyone Reed is in the park waiting for everyone else. Did Reed know anyone else in LA since it didn't seem like he was staying with Sarah... Reed is nearing the point of panic but is saved from such when he recieves a phone call. We're not sure if it was Sarah or Jonas who called him, but whoever it was needed to be picked up, since all Reed said was "Okay, I'll come get you." or something to the likes of it.

Next video, still not sure who called Reed, but chances are it was Sarah since at the beginning of the video is an excerpt from Jonas making a collect phone call from an LA county jail to Maggie. Actual audio from the video is muted out as Maggie makes a somewhat obligatory speech on the current insurgence among the group. The video seems to be of Reed bailing Sarah and Jonas out from jail. Many continuity questions arise on the forums and chat concerning FBI involvement with Jonas and/or Reed. How was bail posted so easily considering Jonas seemed to be wanted by the FBI at the beginning of the season, and how was Reed able to pay it?
Reed Barnes is a known accomplice to Jonas Wharton, so it would be feasible that Reed would at least be on the "Alert" list if not their "Wanted" list.

Reed posts bail for Sarah and Jonas, and the three seem to have a tiff outside the jailhouse, no doubt because Reed felt left out for not being included in the plans Jonas had made. I still stand by my theory that it was a good plan to have not included Reed, even to the point of not telling him, and here's why:
Jonas knew that what he was planning would most likely get them (him and Sarah) arrested, but he wanted to do it anyway, even if it were to just guage the LBL's readiness and strengths. Not telling Reed any of this plan may not have turned out being a great idea, but it was a good plan in and of itself, because Jonas also knew that Reed was willing to sacrifice himself for the cause, at that point.

Telling Reed would have insured that the Dynamic Duo would have had backup, but backup wasn't what was really needed, here. Would Reed really have been able to hold himself back from rushing in to help Sarah and/or Jonas once he sensed trouble coming their way? Has Reed practiced running "maneuvers" with Jonas or Sarah, before? When placed into a situation as such and the goal is specific, it isn't necessary to expend or sacrifice uneccessarily.

I'm sure that Jonas didn't want to see Reed, or anyone else get hurt, or for anyone else to get in trouble.
In any case, Reed is now furious at Jonas. Probably at Sarah, too, but he seems to have focused his rage on Jonas. Reed proceeds to pack up his things to go back to Chicago... but why make a video out of it... especially seeing as how the taxi you've called for seems to be taking forever to get there... I've dealt with slow taxi drivers, myself, from time to time. I think I'll go back and look at that video one or two more times to try and see just how long Reed had been "waiting"...
On an average, it usually takes 25-30 minutes for a taxi to pull up to where I live. I can remember waiting as long as an hour and a half sometimes, though. I'm not sure how many times Reed actually had to call the dispatch back, but it seemed like a pretty high number of times... Way more than I've ever had to... but during one of those scenes; you should never have to give out that much information to the taxi dispatch...

Almost on cue, Reed gets abducted while waiting at an ATM... Okay... the van on the tape bears the Life'sBlood Labs insignia... Despite the lack of a struggle from mister Barnes, I do not believe that anyone wilingly wants to be abducted... Isn't it the duty of the bank manager, or anyone reviewing the tape to turn said tape over to the police? Last I remembered adbduction is a crime.

I know, I know... too many unknowns... Sure, we have the insignis from the van, but how do we not know the van wasn't stolen? or How do we know the logo wasn't just used to throw everyone off?

Lately, Reed 'pleads'(?) for everyone not to go looking for him and to leave him alone, yet at the same time he asks everyone to "help me"... Maggie meets up with Jonas and Sarah to go to what seems to be the old site for Life'sBlood Labs. Maggie thinks that this may be where they are holding Reed, but it looks like a bust as she begins to freak out a bit. The next video looking like an into to some new series. Maybe a warning to Dr. Alderman and Life'sBlood Labs that they have just been put on notice...

Looks like business is about to start pickin up, again

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Road to Ruin... or Redemption?

So, it seems our little band of rebels has made it back to the Land of Angels. Well, most of them, anyway. We still haven't heard from little miss Hymn of None since the... um... hotel scene with Jonas and his 'promise'.

I'm not sure how they all arrived, but fortunately it looks like at least Sarah and Reed got some money together for airfare since it seems that they had been back in LA since at least Tuesday. I do want to make sure that I've made myself clear that they seem to be back in LA. For all we know, they could have high-tailed it to someplace that looked like LA.

... but I digress, I'll try to make myself content that they are actually in LA.

When we last left our heroes... Reed was waiting in the park where Jonas had set up the rendezvous... Now, wait... wasn't Sarah also included on that invite list? Where was she? Anyway, Reed gets visibly nervous when no one shows up (wouldn't we all were we in Reed's shoes?) Suddenly, by cue, right after Reed asks that someone call him, he gets a call... Who was it? Reed had to go get whoever was on the other end.

Heh, as I'm writing this, another video has been posted. Looks like well get an answer, here.

o_o......' *sighs* Looks like meltdown has resumed. Well, on the bright side, we know where all of our major pieces are. Maggie's back on the sidelines. I'm kinda glad she is, though it was good to see her while that lasted.

I do think that she was a little harsh on Jonas in what she said. Yes, a leader should stand strong and firm; should always be prepared, but sometimes no matter how much you can prepare for something, the best offense is a blind one.
Maybe Jonas did think things through a bit more than you realize, Maggie. Had Jonas really tried to plan things out, you know Reed would have been with him and Sarah. Had that been the case, who would have been able to bail all three of them out, without having to reveal their position? Estelle?

Jonas did kinda get his just rewards for it, though. A nice straight right from Reed. He had it coming, but if Jonas had contacted Reed beforehand, you know that Reed would have come running to try to support our 'mighty' leader.

Stop being so hard on the guy, he IS trying... I think he knows what is at stake here, there is no need to remind him about it over and over again. All that does is remind your leader, the one who you should support the MOST, of all his failures and shortcomings. By no means do you need to kiss his ass (you should never do that, either) but it doesn't help if your leader is always worried that the next mission will fail...

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The Journey Home?

honestly? I don't really know what to think of everything, now.

Was there ever an auction? If there was, wasn't the cure supposed to come along with the item that was supposed to be in the Crowley box on auction? If so, how did LBL already have it in LA? I can totally understand express shipping, but as fast as that was, you would have needed to employ the use of a teleporter.

And what's with all the POV videos? So what, they were followed? If we had never thought that any of them were ever followed there would never have been any thought that they were in danger, but ever since Bree left home many moons ago, that was specifically why danger kinda followed this series. No matter where anyone went in this series, someone was following them, or would find them. Give it a break already!

Also everyone wants to make videos to express what they think of the series or to put their two cents in about the plot. Well, that's all well and good, but why is it that people only want to try to "help" when they feel the show is in distress? I know, because I wanted to try to "help" too, but my video blogging skills leave very much to be wanted.

Also teetering on the fence, is a brewing conflict between those who like or dislike Maggie. Personally, I like Maggie, but she does have some major flaws that I'm sure will be worked on in upcoming videos. At least I really really hope they are. There are just so amny questions about her, and maybe that's why the "haters"... hate Maggie the way they do... because of all the distrust surrounding her.

If I may, I'd like to pose some questions about Maggie to whoever can answer them:
1) When she (along sith Jonas and Reed) was separated from Sarah, they were able to post a "warning" to Sarah, but afterwards, there was nothing. Sarah made a public annnouncement about the Twitter feeds and such. Unfortunately, I was not available to participate. Did Maggie (or Jonas and/or Reed) participate in the Twitter session? If not, why? They could have tried to post a video showing what they did while Sarah went "around town"?
The lack of communication here seems kinda shady, to me.
2) After getting the note from South Station, Sarah said she went back to your hotel room(s) but you and the boys were gone... I do understand that you might have left due to the fact that you had people on your tail; a moving target is harder to catch, but you guys could have left a note at the front desk, or better yet, a clue in the room letting Sarah know where you might be heading to.

Even now, I'm not really sure where everyone is. Jonas and Maggie posted a video, and Sarah posted a blog. In it she describes Reed's amazement. So I'm guessing that everyone's back in the same place? But something doesn't feel right... the words say one thing, but I don't feel like everyone's really there... Also... it took upwards of six weeks to get from Chicago to Boston, here. They had to drive all the way there...
Why all of a sudden do they decide to hop on a plane for LA from Boston? I understand that they are in a rush to get back to LA to somehow retrieve the item (cure) from LifesBlood Labs. Why hadn't they just taken a flight from Chicago to Boston, in the first place. Of course they wouldn't have been able to hang out in Pittsburgh with Estelle, and there would have been a lot less drama... and therefore, a lot less show...

Friday, November 14, 2008

There's More Than Lager in Boston.

Hey guys... I'm pressed for time here, so I gotta make this somewhat short.

I'm glad Jonas & co. have finally made it to Boston, MA. I am a bit peeved as to how long it took to get them there, but you all have known that for a while, so I digress upon that point.

Sarah's going alone!!? I guess with how things have progressed she has no choice... I'm really looking forward to see how this is handled. As for the 'live event' taking place. I won't be able to go, nor will I be able to participate through any type of live feed or simulcast. The best I can hope to do is check on the boards every so often.

Still waiting and hoping for an "update" on the Beaumont story.

Monday, November 10, 2008

The middle ground (... the road seldomly traveled)

Still looks (and feels) like I'm flying solo here, so far...

I keep forgetting to ask if there is anyone else taking part in this. Though, I haven't really been doing that great of a job to promote this blog, either.
Note to self: Increase promotion of LG15 Today Round Table Blog.
The Team reached Pittsburgh, last week, and spent the week at Estelle's it seems. So I'm guessing they will be continuing their journey onto Boston. Who wants to start a poll on how long it takes for them to get to Boston from Pittsburgh? It took two, almost three weeks for the trip from Chicago, to Pittsurgh. From there to Boston is a lot shorter distance, but who knows, they could get caught up in New York!

Is Estelle's fifteen minutes of fame up once the team leaves the Burgh of Pitt? From what I've heard the majority of the boards is/was not very favorable of Estelle staying on as a permanent character. Who says that two characters can't be added at once?
/sarcasm/ That being the case, with five team members, we could do this up as some Sendai thing... I think I like the sound of it... The LG-Rangers! Go-Go-LG-Rangers!!! -_- /end sarcasm/
Developing the relationships for the show is great, but like Sarah pointed out, "What about the mission?" Definitely would never expect to hear Sarah going on about getting back on track about the mission, though we do need to give Jonas some space to kick back and have fun. It's so tough to be able to do so from the hero's perspective.

The hero always has to be responsible for his actions, always placed under a microscope; watched constantly lest he does something rash. having "fun" is rarely an option for one with such a label. If Maggie does develop a real relationship, I wonder how it will be handled.
Has Maggie ever been in a relationship, has she ever had to feel the biting pangs of breaking up with someone or being dumped? At this point, I don't think she has ever had any relationship 'experience'. Then again, this is part of what has made this series what it is. Numerous uncomfortable (and unstable) relationships, one after the other.

.... Oh yeah... I am still wondering about what really happened to Beaumont!
[Remember, there was always a sixth Ranger -somewhat of a renegade Ranger- that always came to save the day when the Rangers got themselves into trouble... Beaumont would seem to fit that role almost perfectly.]

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Free at last......?

Uhhh... yeah...

I just don't know what to say... I've been watching the past set of videos, and I know if i wasn't already a fan of lg15, I would be, now. Reed has been added to the team, and this past week, the face and voice of the Hymn of None is revealed to us.

For some of us, this is hardly enough, though. Why only one representative? It is always a point that the tagline is "WE are The Resistance... WE will not be stopped." So where are the rest? Why only send out one representative; the one representative who would be the most wanted by Life'sBlood Labs or by the Order?

Speculation is that Maggie is the Hymn of None, that she is the sole member? I reiterate, if this is the case, then why the emphasis on "WE"? Is it metaphorical? Does she really mean all of "US", the viewers and fans of the series, that all of us are the Hymn of None? True enough, many of us would want to help Jonas, Sarah, and Reed, and many of us have tried. There are many of us though, I'm sure, that it would be best if we just left it all alone.

It's not always a smart thing to do to keep such secrets from the ones you are trying to gain trust from. Trust is never given; it is earned.

Upon other points:
I'm kinda disappointed in Jonas, Sarah and Reed for only making it a~~ll the way to Pittsburgh (from Chicago) in just less than a week and a half. Now, I understand that the commute was probably not very easy: constant bickering between Sarah and Reed; Jonas being put in the position of a fed up dad with a car full of unruly kids. That last part of the situation alone would make me want to get to the destination all the quicker.

I'm originally from Chicago. Went to school, and got my degree there. Went on a road trip with a few friends one summer. Headed east, toward D.C. It took us four days to drive out there. Okay, Jonas may be the hogging the keys, and won't let anyone else drive; still wouldn't take 8-10 days...

At this rate, they should get to Boston... hmmm... sometime between Thanksgiving and Christmas!

Or is that all we have to look forward to for this season of "LG15: The Resistance"? I would hope not. I have a feeling things will be picking up very soon.

Beaumont lives... I sense something about him... (check for midichlorians ;P) There's definitely room (and opportunity) for more tie-ins concerning Beaumont.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

casting stones

I'm beginning to think that I'm the only one that joined in this. That leaves somewhat of a undescribable feeling. I do feel glad that I became a writer, but I thought there would be others. Others that I would be able to bounce ideas back and forth with. It's been a week or two, and none of that has happened

I know most of us lead busy lives. I thought that my life was considerably busy, but I guess nowhere near as busy as anyone else. Then again, I have trouble sleeping a lot of nights, so I'm usually up longer than most.

I just want to know if there really is anyone else participating with this (other than QtheC, who initiated this blog.) I'm still not really sure what kind of ideas I should be coming up with.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

There's More to the Midwest

So, It seems that (via the latest video "Road Head Butting") our heroine, Sarah is not very fond of the Midwest. I can't really say that I can blame her when all she's really seen is the inside of a car and 'the open road.'

Sarah hadn't mentioned if she (or Jonas) had gotten to do any sightseeing in Chicago. Though, given the circumstances, I would come to the conclusion, that even if they had gotten out to do some sightseeing, it wouldn't have been much more than a "walk in the park" so to speak.

As the saying goes, "There's more than corn, in Indiana" holds true. There's more than asphalt out there, if you take the time to look around. Though I do understand that time is something our trio does not have much of to spare.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Lighting a fire?

I'm not exactly sure what to write, but seeing as how this space looked pretty bare I wanted to add a little something. So, I'd really appreciate any assistance.

I guess we could all start by introducing ourselves. I know many of us already know each other, but for the sake of those who don't know (or recognize) us, it would be a bit of a dis-service not to.

My (real) name is Ken'ni. Though, in blogs and such I usually refer to myself as yuki". I'm of Japanese descent. I was born in America, my family moved back to Japan when I was still a baby, and moved back to the States a few years later. Almost all of my education has taken place in the States, so I wouldn't really know what schools are like in Japan, sorry; I really only know as much about it as anyone else reading about "school life" in an article or a Japanese manga (comic book.)

I'm a long-time fan of LG15. Those who know me from the original forums know me as kageyuki. Of course, back then I had so much time to spare; watching videos, trying to help solve riddles. Nowadays, by the time I can get around to posting/commenting on a video, my questions/comments have already been asked/said. Sometimes a few times over. And if there were any puzzles to 'solve'... They've already been solved.

Well, enough of my chatter, what about the rest of you?

Friday, October 3, 2008

Suggestions and Blog Design

The current header art is a temporary place holder that will be replaced with a much better version soon.

Comment here with suggestions for blog design, links to related discussion sites or references to add to the sidebar, etc.